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How does Motivii help with Reviews?
How does Motivii help with Reviews?
Written by Eamon Tuhami
Updated over a week ago

Do you have a review coming up with your manager? Maybe you're a manager & you're looking for ways to have higher quality & more regular conversations about your employees' development?

With our Review tool, we've made some big improvements to the regular development conversation you're used to having, by tackling some of the main challenges people have when completing a review...

Not properly prepared for your Review?

Employees complete our Review Prep so they've already thought through what's going well, what they're challenged with, and what they're happy with

Can't remember how the past quarter has gone?

Employees get contextual insight on how they've been doing since their last review that only they can see

Feel like reviews are a bit one-sided?

Managers and employee share feedback through an easy-to-use dashboard, so both sides get to input equally.

Don't have time to reflect on long-term goals or your direction within your company?

Just like the Motivii Update helps employees think about how work is going from week-to-week, the review tool gives you fifteen minutes to reflect on longer term goals.

Lose track of what you've agreed to work on, or what your team's objectives are?

We give you a place to keep track of long-term goals and update them as they change over time.

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