How we handle your data

Where is company data hosted? How secure is my data? Our Privacy and data policy.

Written by Eamon Tuhami
Updated over a week ago

All core Motivii data is securely hosted in the cloud on Amazon’s AWS infrastructure. 

This data is held in the EU, which allows us to comply with EU data regulations. We always endeavour to adhere to the highest levels of data compliance and the security of data management. For this reason, Motivii is registered with the IOC (ZA110808).

Within the Motivii platform there are various levels of access to what managers and employees can see.

We aim to strike the right balance between protecting individual employee anonymity and generating fast feedback to help make work better.

We will never share individual motivation or notes with anyone, regardless of whether it’s your direct team, or your organisation as a whole. 

All insight managers access is anonymised apart from a direct report’s weekly highlights, challenges and focuses. At a company level all personal information is anonymised.

Motivii provides benchmarking as default within the platform. This securely gives you feedback on how your company compares against the Global Motivii Index. No one can access your Motivii data. 

You have the ability to opt-out of benchmarking and contribute anonymously to the Global Motivii Index.

More on our privacy and data policy here.

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